Otče náš, ktorý si v nebesiach!
Upierame naše oči na Teba a vylievame Ti svoje srdcia.
Bože, už viac ako tisíc dní sa k Tebe denne modlíme, úpenlivo Ťa prosíme, vkladáme do Teba svoju nádej.
Už viac ako tri strašné roky dostávame hrozné správy o smrti našich krajanov, počúvame hluk výbuchov a kvílenie sirén.
Pane, každým dňom narastá počet sirôt a vdov. Každý deň pribúda viac a viac ľudí, ktorí prežívajú bolesť
zo straty svojich milovaných.
Bože náš, nevidíme koniec tejto katastrofy, len Ty sám nás držíš.
Už viac ako tisíc dní, Pane, stojíme a veríme.
Ďakujeme Ti, lebo Tvoj Duch nás obživuje.
Veríme v Tvoju spravodlivosť, dúfame v Tvoje milosrdenstvo, zakúšame Tvoju lásku uprostred skazy a smrti.
Ale naše sily, Bože, sú na konci.
Hovoríme Ti o svojich bolestiach, Otče, aj keď Ty vieš všetko aj bez toho, aby sme ti to povedali.
Synovia a dcéry nášho národa nás opúšťajú, umierajú na bojiskách a pod paľbou v našich mestách a dedinách.
My tu zostávame, Pane, zostaň s nami.
Ďakujeme Ti za všetkých, ktorí nás podporujú, ďakujeme Ti za našich bratov a sestry v Kristovi
a za ľudí dobrej vôle z iných krajín.
Požehnaj ich!
Vdýchni do nás vieru vo víťazstvo lásky a pravdy.
Príď, Pane Ježišu!
Zdroj: leuenberg.eu
Prayer on the occasion of the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine
Our Father in Heaven!
We fix our eyes on You and pour out our hearts to You.
God, for more than a thousand days we have been praying to You daily, we are begging You, we are putting our hope in You.
For more than three terrible years, we have been receiving terrible news about the death of our compatriots, listening to the noise of explosions and the wail of sirens.
Lord, the number of orphans and widows is increasing every day. Every day there are more and more people who experience the pain of losing their loved ones.
Our God, we do not see the end of this disaster, only You alone hold us.
For more than a thousand days, Lord, we stand and believe.
We thank You because Your Spirit quickens us.
We believe in Your justice, hope in Your mercy, and experience Your love amid destruction and death.
We believe in Your justice, hope in Your mercy, and experience Your love amid destruction and death.
Our strength, God, is at the end.
We tell You about our pains, Father, even, though you know everything without us telling you.
The sons and daughters of our nation are leaving us, dying on the battlefields and under fire in our towns and villages.
We stay here, Lord, stay with us.
We thank You for all those who support us, we thank You for our brothers and sisters in Christ and people of goodwill from other countries.
Bless them!
Breathe into us the faith in the victory of love and truth.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Source: leuenberg.eu